New Giveaways

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A miracle has happened: I finally fixed all the little bugs in the new layout!  It’s now installed and I have not one, but TWO wonderful sidebars so I can place more widgets. Yay!

Today’s list was limited because I’m feeling a little ill (I blame going out until 4:30 am for that – I’m too old for that craziness!)

BUT with the new layout, getting in touch with me is now super easy! Just click on the relevant button in the header and  magic, a form appears.  Fill it out and I’ll get your message.  No need to go through the annoying tasks of copying my e-mail, logging in to your email, and only then sending me a message. (I still haven’t written the winning tips though).

Aside from that, I am welcome to opinions, criticism, praise, etc.  Is the layout looking okay in your screen? Are the colors easy to read? All your input will help. :o)

More giveaways will be posted tomorrow when I gain back some of my strength!


Posted in Updates and expiring

Boo, today’s giveaway list was a bit limited…

I went through a ton of giveaways today and found that the majority of them didn’t indicate anything about where they were open to… So I just assumed that they weren’t open worldwide and ignored them.  Wouldn’t it be such a bummer to win one of those giveaways and then have the prize be taken away from you?? Better safe than sorry, I say.. so those giveaways are put in my ignore bin.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to e-mail each giveaway host separately and ask them if they’re open to international participants… I’ve done it in the past, quite constantly actually but there comes a point where I can’t send 25 e-mails in one day, keep track of the responses, and then post relevant giveaways.  I’ve decided to only do that when the giveaway is really great.

It’s such a shame because it means that they lose out on potential viewers/followers/clients and of course, we miss out on participating!

Let’s hope that we can show them a strong presence and convince them to start opening up their giveaways worldwide or at least letting us know up-front whether its relevant to us. 😉

Here’s hoping!




Posted in Updates and expiring

Phew! I think today was the most amount of giveaways I’ve ever posted in one day – 33 altogether!  I hope ya’ll appreciate my efforts. :o)

So the site has been open for a mere 2.5 weeks and I’m already seeing a huge pick up on speed… more followers on Google friends, quite a few more followers through rss feeds, and the amount of visitors per day are really picking up.  I’m seeing visitors extending all continents and over 45 countries already.. that’s great news!

We’re becoming a bigger community and more of us are participating in giveaways, which hopefully means that more people will open their giveaways internationally to take advantage of a huge potential client base.

I’m also seeing a huge increase in the amount of giveaways which are open internationally… 33 posts in one day speaks for itself! I was overwhelmed by the amount of posts I had to go through today.  Let’s hope this trend keeps up…

On another note, I’m still working on changing the layout (darned be the coding! – I’m learning as I work).

AND I won two other giveaways this week!  That makes it three giveaways altogether + one awesome blogger who is sending me a small gift for participating in her giveaway.

These are the  awesome giveaways that I won:

1) A bow + bow holder from Beaux Girls

2) Nourishment Treatment Oil from Dr. Alkaitis

3) A scarf from Inspire Wire

4) Little “thank you” gift from Street Noodles

Have you won any giveaways posted in this blog? I would love to hear about it. You can e-mail me to
internationalgiveaways[at]gmail[dot]com or post a comment here.. whatever suits you. 🙂


Posted in Updates and expiring

Hi everyone!

I’m working on a small re-modeling of the site to make it more user friendly, so please have some patience as I work hard to code and change the graphics and layout. I’ll be posting new giveaways soon, hopefully along with the new layout.  (I’m still keeping track of all of them, none of them expire today so we have time!)

If you have any suggestions on improvements, now’s the time to comment!


Posted in Updates and expiring

I’m so excited!  I just won a really great giveaway from TLC Inspirations! They’re letting me pick anything from their Etsy store and after perusing their store, I’m really baffled as to which awesome item I’ll pick.  I’m leaning towards this stunning Black Fashion Scarf but I’ll have to ask my mom for a second opinion (and of course, I would love to hear any suggestions from any of you!)

For the record, this is the second giveaway I’ve won! The first was some really cute cell phone charms from Ladies’ Gadgets and its how I discovered the awesome world of giveaways & Etsy.  I really enjoy seeing stores, unique items and being part of spreading the word about the shops.  Obviously, on the rare occasions that I’m lucky enough to win something, that’s super cool, too.

That being said, I’m quickly discovering that there are actually a lot more giveaways open worldwide than I ever expected, and its becoming quite overwhelming to keep track of them and post them all.  Add work, gym, and driving lessons to that and updating the blog is getting tough!  So please do excuse me for tonight… I’ll try to post everything I missed tomorrow

Also, soon I’ll be changing the layout of the site and making it more user-friendly.  The blog has been open and running for almost two weeks now so I can already see clearly what needs to change for all reader’s (and my) sake.

Lots of exciting changes!

Posted in Updates and expiring